Friday, February 13, 2015

Homemade Bars

Continuing on the path of less-inconvenient foods (eating well takes more time and planning than eating junk), I decided to make some bars.  My inspiration came from cragmama's homemade Lara Bar post.  I (and my food processor) learned the hard way that dates have seeds - big, unchewable, un--processable seeds.   But once I figured out, I was able to make my first 2 batches, and the initial taste testers are all giving thumbs up.
  • 1.5 cups cashews
  • 1.5 cuts dates (with seeds removed!)
  • handful of dried black cherries
  • pinch of salt
Process then nuts a bit and then start adding dates.  This gives you the base for you bars.  Before you food processor catches on fire, add salt and cherries.  Dump the resulting stuff into a loaf plan lined with saran wrap and chill.  They are as 'bar like' as I would like yet, but I will play with the ratios and processing time to fix that in the future.

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